
DS - guards of skyvein, take two

DS - the guards of Skyvein

Wow. I'm a slacker. My last update was on the 11th? Going to try to update much more! Lots of family nonsense going on. In a good way, of course. But between that and pretending to do those two pages of the comic a week that I'm supposed to be doing? No concepting time. When I'm in florida, I'm going to do at least one a day, I swear. Here's another go at the guards of Skyvein! I think I'm starting to work out what they're going to look like.


Concept - Tunnels

I could draw environments every day and not run out of material, at this rate. It's pretty amazing, but I really need to work on some character/creature/object designs!



The Ninth Circle Launching Party

We have takeoff, people! So, this is a few months late -- there were some technical difficulties, but we are up! And we are running!  And we have a schedule. So bring your kazoos, and hats, and confetti, and balloons and come check it out.


Concept - Caverns

I've never done a concept sketch this quickly. It took me a little over an hour to finish this. And I actually like it. What's going on? Yay.

I came out with a massively bruised knee, but no injury has ever been worth it as much as that one was. What was there, below the streets and sidewalks that you walk and bike and drive over, were colossal caves, caverns, tunnels. You could get lost there. I did. And without the light, what would you do? There, in that deepest, darkest black where the sun wouldn't hit even if it were out, how would you find your way back? I came back with stories, with the remainder of gorgeous rock formations burned behind my lids, and an even more pressingly, consumingly urgent need to go back again. Tomorrow.


DS - guardian prototype

Trying to figure out how they fly/float/travel around the city, "protecting" the edges. I feel like it has to involve the skysquids somehow, otherwise why wouldn't they use the same technology that the guardians are powered by to fly their ships? (Or, maybe, it would be too costly on a larger scale, people are profiting from the exploitation of the squids and therefore their use continues.) Anyhow, still trying to figure out the details, but these models of the 'Oids are much less human-appearing, and they are more or less the police of the city, who have little or no interaction with the general public. The 'Oids higher in the hierarchy are more humanoid, and they are the ones who actively interact with the general populace.