
Concept - Fallen Lucifer

Writer-inspired concept for the fallen Lucifer. Ignore the bottom of the wings where the heads used to be.


  1. I like! Poor Lucifer. I almost feel sorry for Them here, having deteriorated so far all because They won't let themselves heal and become demonic. This comic is going to rock.

    Hey, I need to get on it. I suck. I will get back to work on it soon-ish!

    (Once my paper is done, or at least, reasonably started...)

  2. P.S. Your art is getting me super excited to work on this, Sen!

  3. <3. Thanks, m'dear! Your scripts and plot-talking get me super excited to do art. I like collaborations.
    Yes, it is going to rock. S'totally going to rock.
    I feel pretty sorry for them too, actually.


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