
Cower - Containment Environment

Another environmental sketch! I'll be able to do more in three weeks, but I'm going to try to do at least one a week until that point in time. We'll see. This is an idea for a more organic type of containment facility that will eventually be raided. More idea gibberish below! Take it or leave it.

"We were together, at first. They had us held together in dingy open spaces, claustrophobic for the number of us there -- but at least we were together. We could talk, but mostly we didn't. They slipped us drugs, so some of us stopped eating. That's when there were riots, whispers of rebellion, of revolt. That didn't stand. They separated us out into individual pods -- these solitary bubbles in which we cannot speak to each other, can't even see each other. Let me out of here. Get me out of here. We'll obliterate you."


  1. I love the blurbs you're adding with the art :)

  2. Thanks! I'm glad, I was unsure about them. I'll keep including them, then!


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