
Cower - Colosseum

Finally. I finally figured this damned colosseum out. And it stemmed from thumbnails! So I'll definitely be trying to do those some more. Slight explanation until I render a better concept of this, where you can actually see what's going on: the spheres are cameras recording and live-feeding the fights, which are happening on the different tiers of the colosseum in the background; the audience is seated around the tiered colosseum, with many screens showing the live feed. Higher detail sketch coming soon (possibly with color?). 


  1. Oooh... cool. I like it. :-) A higher detail sketch would be nice! The Colosseum, as I can make it out so far from the bkgd, totally rocks.

  2. Thankies! Yes, this summer (one week!) I'll hopefully get higher renderings of these environments done. And also make a comic.


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