
Concept - Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a phenomenon in Skyvein which grow prolifically, but only on natural soil which is rapidly disappearing. It is said that before Skyvein existed, the Life Tree did not exist -- rather, they appeared as an attempt by the world to rid the sky of the poison clouds. The Core keeps knowledge of the Life Tree to a minimum, claiming that it is the cause of the the noxious clouds that hang between Skyvein and the world below. In reality, the Life Tree traps the poison clouds inside its fruit's husk, converting it into clean air which is stored in the inner fruit. In the early stages, however, the Life Tree's fruit appears as a scaled, toxic husk -- and if opened prematurely, it releases the clouds that it hasn't had the chance to process yet. The Core uses that to its advantage, making the trees look like they are, indeed, producing the clouds as opposed to ridding the world of them. The Life Tree take about fifteen years to reach this stage of maturity, which is still a sapling. Most of the Life Trees in Skyvein never have the opportunity to grow much higher than this one, because the Core finds them beforehand. It is said that there exists one tree in all of Skyvein that is taller than any of the Core's cities, and that it floats above even the bubble cities -- but these are only rumors.


  1. Ooooh... this is awesome! :D It looks so cool! What is this Skyvein thing you are working on, my dear? It seems really nifty!

  2. Thanks! :D Just world building! I'm trying to figure out how this place works. It's very fun. Someday, maybe I'll draw a comic or make a game there. At the moment, it's just a really fun (and kinda awful) place that gives some cohesion to my concepts.


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